cheers to being confident in your own skin sis and sharing all things beauty to shine from the inside out.

My passion behind WILD Tribe is to encourage the everyday female to look, feel & live her best life with confidence.

If there is anything that 40+ years has taught me, is that seasons come and go and it’s pretty damn easy to lose yourself as a woman in all the coming and going of life.
I’m a mom of 3 amazing kids, a wife to a cowboy, rancher, stunt man and all around handy man. We live in a small town in Central Alberta on our family ranch, where we all take part in the daily chores and work to make it happen no matter what. The days are long and hard, it can be very high stress at times, but it is also truly the BEST way to raise a family, teach life lessons, build a strong work ethic, and be fulfilled in a way that nothing else compares to. I love my life on the ranch and working beside my family.
But, let’s be honest friends, being a mom, wife and hired hand can take a lot out of you. In fact I found myself, like so many women, losing my identity after becoming a mom. I wanted to be present, help on the ranch, etc….but I had a strong pull to get back to doing something for me too. So over the years I have found ways to create my own space within the western way of life and still be true to what I believe are my God given talents and gifts, without missing out on being the kind of mom, wife and business owner, I’d always wanted to be, all while making an income for my family.
Some background on me. I come from a very strong entrepreneurial family. I grew up watching my mom and dad run their own businesses and side jobs, so it is quite literally in my blood to work for myself and wear a lot of hats. I like to be working on a couple of projects at once and have lots of creative outlets. I am a hair stylist by trade and if you know me, it is my passion to be a positive light in the beauty industry. I worked as a full time stylist for roughly 15yrs, before stepping out of that role full time and moving into more opportunities. What are those opportunities?
I am owner/partner of Bala-Calfa - The Bovine Balaclava.
I am a freelance western lifestyle photographer.
I’m a hairstylist.
I’m a beauty brand ambassador for 3 amazing companies.
I’m a self taught fashion consultant and I absolutely love styling people from head to toe.
I consider myself a life learner.
I truly enjoy learning new things, diving into self-development, and growing as a business woman. Which leads me to the real reason behind the WILD Tribe…empowering women from every walk of life to step into who they are and showing up confidently for their own dreams. It is my mission to be a cheerleader for other women, of all ages, to help them dream, grow, and be their best self. So I work to provide helpful tips for everything from hair & makeup tutorials, to sharing my favorite products, and of course walking you through styling tips and closet makeovers.